Wednesday 10 April 2013

Asparagus time in Italy


Asparagus Festivals in Italy and particularly in Veneto take place in spring; many asparagus
events are held in province of Treviso.

The spread of asparaguses cultivation in Italy and in Veneto has allowed to breed two kinds
of white asparaguses in Veneto: White Asparagus From Badoere PGI and White Asparagus 
From Cimadolmo PGI and thus this vegetable has taken an important role in the asparagus
festivals in Italy, in the food events in Veneto and in the cookery shows in province of Treviso.

Thus Superbe is born, the food event promotes asparaguses dishes besides seasonal herbs
as the buds of hop or the bladder campions.


The asparagus festivals in Italy and particularly in province of Treviso will take place south of Treviso: in Preganziol and in Zero Branco, east of Treviso: in Cimadolmo, Vazzola and Ormelle and then north of Treviso: in hill region in Farra di Soligo and west of Treviso: in Morgano – Badoere.

The most important areas for asparaguses cultivation in province of Treviso are the grounds of Morgano – Badoere and the grounds of Cimadolmo; this country has more twenty growers of white asparaguses PGI.

The properties and uniformity of White Asparagus from Cimadolmo have allowed the awarding of PGI mark which is a further guarantee for consumers who can identify it more easily from similar produce coming from foreign countries. The same considerations go for White Asparagus From Badoere PGI.
The deliciousness of White Asparagus from Cimadolmo PGI and White Asparagus From Badoere PGI is such that many restaurants of Treviso province have dedicated several dishes to asparaguses lists attracting visitors who arrive there only to taste them.
Vazzola and Ormelle and then north of Treviso: in hill region in Farra di Soligo and west of Treviso: in Morgano – Badoere.

 Please contact me for more info to enjoy some good asparagus :)


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